Saturday, May 21, 2022

2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4xe First Test: A Greener, Greater Wrangler

2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4xe First Test: A Greener, Greater Wrangler

(153) Ten Obsolete Words We Need Back! - YouTube

(153) Ten Obsolete Words We Need Back! - YouTube

(4) Irina Maria Manea -

(4) Irina Maria Manea -

13 Tips for a Better AM from a Survival Expert and Navy SEAL, Ret. | Huckberry

13 Tips for a Better AM from a Survival Expert and Navy SEAL, Ret. |

(153) Yoga with Kassandra - YouTube

(153) Yoga with Kassandra - YouTube

Boarding | Country Paws

Boarding | Country Paws


Superintelligence: How A.I. will overcome humans - Big Think

Superintelligence: How A.I. will overcome humans - Big Think

The universe keeps dying and being reborn, claims Nobel Prize winner - Big Think

The universe keeps dying and being reborn, claims Nobel Prize winner - Big Think

(151) Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply - YouTube

(151) Polyvagal Theory Explained Simply - YouTube

Saturday, May 14, 2022


The Origin and Clinical Relevance of Yoga Nidra | SpringerLink

The Origin and Clinical Relevance of Yoga Nidra | “When awareness is separate and distinct from mental activity,

when waking, dream and deep sleep pass like clouds,

yet awareness of Self remains,

this is the experience of total relaxation…

That is why, in tantra,

yoga nidra is said to be the doorway to Samadhi.”[1]

- Swami Satyananda